The Golden State’s equestrian racing sector just secured a significant victory. A recent addition to the state’s internet poker legislation would grant them a portion of the earnings – a substantial 95% of the initial $60 million, to be precise. This compromise comes with a stipulation, however: racetracks themselves would be prohibited from operating their own online poker platforms.

The legislation is being expedited as a “critical measure,” signifying it would become effective immediately upon the governor’s approval if it passes with a supermajority. In its entirety, the bill suggests a 15% levy on internet poker income, with permits awarded to card rooms and California indigenous groups possessing a minimum of five years of expertise within the gambling sector.

Although certain Native American nations have indicated their receptiveness to the concept of restricted licenses and backing horse racing, they haven’t completely endorsed the legislation as of yet. Time is of the essence – the cutoff for bill submissions is February 19th.

Blog of Author

By Sawyer "Scion" Daugherty

With a Ph.D. in Quantum Computing and a Master's in Finance, this accomplished writer has a deep understanding of the potential of quantum technologies to revolutionize the casino industry and to enable new forms of secure and efficient gambling. They have expertise in quantum algorithms, financial cryptography, and quantum game theory, which they apply to the development of quantum-based gambling systems and the analysis of the financial and social implications of quantum gambling. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a quantum perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to harness the power of quantum computing for the benefit of players and operators.

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